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Application process for use of HWA logo

Before applying HWA logo, please make sure that your product is eligible for HWA logo. Outline of HWA logo is available at the web page of "Definition of HWA"

1. Applicant information
As start of application process, the applicant shall fill the applicant information through the following "HWA Membership" page.
2. Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)

After filling the applicant information and submission of your application through the above "HWA Membership" page, the download link information for NDA will be mentioned in the return e-mail sent you from HWA organization as confirmation.
The applicant shall fill the NDA with your signature and return it to
Upon conclusion of NDA with HWA, the necessary documents will be provided for further process.

3. Skype interview
  • HWA has an interview with the applicant.

4. Submission of the documents

The applicant shall fill in and submit the following documents.

  • Product information

  • Technical specification and data that can prove the product satisfies the requirements for Hi-Res Wireless Audio logo.

  • Submit 5pcs test sample for audio quality check. HWA checks the sample and if any question happens, HWA may ask the applicant additional information, necessary support and test sample to HWA for HWA review.

5. License agreement and Product information
  • License agreement for the use of Hi-Res Wireless Audio logo

  • Hi-Res Wireless Audio logo Terms and conditions

  • Product information

  • Hi-Res Wireless Audio Standard (Technical specification)

  • Hi-Res Wireless Audio Logo Guideline

6. Licensing fee payment

HWA sends invoice to the applicant. The applicant shall pay the licensing fee. Regarding the detail of licensing fee, please refer to the licensing fee condition table mentioned at the end of this page

7. Additional product for Hi-Res Audio logo

The applicant shall submit the following documents when new product is planned.

  • Product information

  • Technical specification and data that can prove the product satisfies the requirements for Hi-Res AUDIO logo.


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